What should you not post on social media?



We all know that social media can be a great way to connect with friends and family, but it can also be a minefield of potential embarrassment. So what should you not post on social media? Here are a few things to avoid: 1. Personal information 2. Embarrassing photos or videos 3. Rants about politics or religion 4. Complaints about work or school 5. Excessive profanity 6. Threats or hate speech 7. Links to viruses or malware 8. Illegal activity

Social media dos and don’ts

When it comes to social media, there are certain dos and don’ts that you should always keep in mind. First and foremost, remember that anything and everything you post online is public and permanent. Once something is put out there, it can be very difficult to take it back. With that in mind, here are some social media dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


-Think before you post. Ask yourself if what you’re about to share is something you’d be comfortable with the whole world seeing.
-Be mindful of what you share about others. If you wouldn’t want someone sharing personal details about you without your permission, don’t do the same to others.
-Use caution when sharing photos or videos. Again, consider if you’d be comfortable with everyone seeing whatever it is you’re about to share.
-Respect people’s privacy settings. Just because someone has their profile set to public doesn’t mean they want everything they post shared with the world. Respect their privacy settings and only share what they’ve made visible to everyone.


-Post anything illegal or compromising. This includesthings like copyrighted material, trade secrets, passwords, etc. Not only could this get you into legal trouble, but it could also jeopardize your job or future career opportunities.
-Share confidential information about

What not to post on social media

There are a few things you should avoid posting on social media if you want to protect your reputation. Here are some examples:

1. Don’t post anything that could be considered illegal or unethical. This includes things like copyrighted material, trade secrets, confidential information, etc.

2. Avoid posting anything that could be considered offensive. This includes hate speech, obscene language, and threats of violence.

3. Don’t post anything that could be considered spam. This includes unsolicited advertising, links to virus-infected websites, and so on.

4. Finally, don’t post anything that’s just plain old boring. No one wants to read your mundane status updates or see yet another cat photo.

How to avoid social media pitfalls

In today’s social media-driven world, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls that come with sharing too much online. Here are a few tips to help you avoid some common social media mistakes:

1. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your boss or future employer to see. Remember that once something is posted online, it’s there forever.

2. Be careful about sharing too much personal information. You never know who might be reading your posts, so it’s best to err on the side of caution when it comes to things like your home address, phone number, and email address.

3. Think before you post. Once something is out there, you can’t take it back, so make sure you’re comfortable with whatever you’re sharing before hitting “post.”

4. Use privacy settings to control who sees your posts. On most social media platforms, you can choose who can and cannot see your content. If you’re worried about someone seeing something they shouldn’t, consider changing your privacy settings.

5. Keep in mind that not everything needs to be shared online. Sometimes it’s best to keep certain things to yourself or share them only with close friends and family members offline.